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Making a Greater Impact Using Non-Diet Weight Inclusive Approaches to Well-Being

Meet Alison


Nutrition for ALL Bodies, LLC was created out of my passion for body respect, size acceptance, and rejecting the diet mentality!  I have been a registered dietitian for 30 years and have seen first hand the harm that diets cause physically, emotionally, and mentality. 


When I became a mom, I took one look at my beautiful baby girl and all of her baby fat and rolls and  fell in love! However, I realized one, day growing up in our society's diet culture and beauty ideal, she would one day hate her body! So I studied and researched how to provide an environment to raise a strong, body confident woman and three years later I had another beautiful baby girl! This led to me speaking in my community and teaching dietetic students about Intuitive Eating and body respect and how to become advocates to change the way our society views bodies and food AND to speak out against weight stigma.

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What I Specialize In

Eating Disorder Awareness, Prevention & Education

Intuitive Eating & developing a healthy relationship with food and your body

Body Respect, Size Acceptance & Health at Every Size

Health Promotion Practicum for health professional students

Health Professional Trainings (MD, DNP, RD, RN, PA, PT etc)

The Journey Towards Health Begins on the Path of Self Love. Begin Your Journey Today.

"Ms. St. Germain’s passion is contagious, and I am looking forward to continuing to work with her to create an environment in health care centered around health at every size!"

-Grace Austin, Physical Therapy Student

"I just wanted to let you know what an amazing academic advisor you have been for me! I have always felt so welcome in your office. You are such a good listener and helped me make the most of my college experience! I also know I will carry the intuitive eating skills you taught me throughout my entire life. Thank you for all that you did for me during my undergraduate career. You're the best!"

- Lydia Sutter,

Dietetic student

"Alison's drive and determination to stand up for what she believes in while helping others in the process is what makes her such an incredible leader. To be a good leader though, you need to be able to balance all aspects of your life, and she does just that. She teaches her students to do the same, emphasizing the importance of self-care. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor during my undergraduate career and the dietetic internship."

- Chloe Lundquist RD, LD

 former dietetic student

"Ms. St. Germain has influenced the lives of hundreds of students through her passion to increase awareness of weight stigma, body image and eating disorders. She is routinely asked to present mindful and intuitive eating principles to undergraduates and is seen as the FSHN department expert."

- Erin Bergquist, MPH, RD, CNSC, LD Clinical Professor

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